The gap-filler, the liaison, the intermediary, the go-between… The 'middleman' , rather 'middle person' , is an important player in every market. Both consumers and producers can benefit from their involvement. However they are not usually qualified to do the technical work on a project. But what if they were???

Get One on One Personal Service.  Work directly with the person who understands your expectations and will be the one executing them. You can expect clear communication and a more satisfying outcome.

Produce Affordable Quality Media.  An Independent Thinker is a high-level problem solver that wears many hats, all of which relate. Someone who knows where and how to simplify the production process while getting the same results you want. This can save a part of your budget or be used to advance your project.

Find Unexpected Creative Solutions.  Receive valuable feedback from a well-rounded, seasoned creative professional who can offer unique perspectives and original concepts. An Independent Thinker thinks outside the box, knows where to explore for new ideas, has a superwide range of experience to help navigate applications and can find the best creative solutions for the biggest impact.

Video & Design Pro 

Chicago, Illinois